Monday, April 2, 2007


I have almost nothing to say right now, except that it's Opening Day, and the Twins won, and I'm happy.

But I had to put this up, despite the fact that it was released today and appears to be pervading the entire InterWeb right now, because I think it's brilliant. It's great when genuinely good artists turn out to have great senses of humor too.

It also shows how a truly talentless performer can release perhaps the foulest pile of elephant dung ever recorded, and then a genuinely good artist can make it almost enjoyable. Just amazing, really.



The Common Man said...

Ok, so in general I do not like Alanis. I find her grating and unpleasant to listen to. That said, she is a hell of an artist and, as much as the original represented everything that was wrong with the music industry this was a tremendous parody of it of the superficiality and image-as-quality that it shoves down our throats. Bravo Alanis!

Isis the Scientist said...

I think this is absolute sheeer brilliance. I must have watched this 500 times so far...

And I would present 'Dogma' as further evidence that Alanis has a sense of humor.